In this mini series of blog posts I will show you how to add videos from various sources to your pages when using Sitecore SXA.

How to add videos to your pages mini blog series:

  1. Part 1: Youtube videos (this article)
  2. Part 2: Vimeo and Facebook videos


Adding Youtube videos

Video component that comes out of the box with SXA is all you need in order to add Youtube videos to your pages. You can find it in Media section of Toolbox:


Ones added to your page, copy the Youtube Video ID as highlighted below:


open the video settings of Video Component:


and put the Video ID into appropriate field on Video component:


If you are using SXA 1.8, don’t forget to switch View Mode to Selected Theme as in Wireframe mode no video is displayed 😉
You have also other various settings that you can configure.
You can configure Poster Image that will be shown instead of image generated by youtube:
To display other video formats instead of Youtube, use these special fields:
You can also specify fallback image and text when video is not available and of course you can configure autoplay of selected video (by default turned off):